Saturday, January 17, 2009

Siamo in tutti

Adesso siamo intutti. Victoria arrived yesterday and now I live in a house of women, a house of strong capable women. And for the first time I'm okay with that. Those petty figths and jealousy that seem to characterize many of the women I know in the States don't seem to exist in our house. I don't want to chalk it up to cultural differnce, but to that fact that to live successfully in this place those characteristics are less than useful.
Victoria reminds me much of a young Auntie Robin, with a frantic need to move and her hand rolled cigarettes, it makes me miss my favorite hippy. I love now that there are more languages filling our house, it's the essence of this place, difference existing together in a conscious effort, all under one roof. That doesn't mean it's always easy or harmoneous, but thus far it's been working.
I can't imagine how strange it will be to live alone after this. I know I have my own room here, but I haven't been alone in the house since I arrived and I'm okay with that. I like living this life of necessity, but there are moments when I find myself struggling against the mentality of want. Living here helps.

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